*The only exception would pertain to bringing a larger item such as a bed later in the week (or you just can't fit it all in your vehicle - some of the larget toys take up lots of room!)
**If you are dropping off more than 75 items, drop off on Sunday if possible.
Keep the limits in mind: 150 clothing items, 5 boys' and 5 girls' shoes, and 3 stuffed animals.
New limit: Due to limited space, only 15 Junior size name brand clothing items per consignor's child allowed. For instance, if you have 2 teenagers...you can bring 30 Junior clothing items. Contact Memrie if you have any questions. Memrie@consignkoolkids.com
WRITTEN in RED: Small toys, books, puzzles, movies, DVDs, electronic games, board games and shoes must be written in RED, so they will sell for ½ price on Saturday.
Items are accepted ONLY during drop-off hours. To keep our quality standards high, we will examine items when you drop them off. You will not be able to check in until your items have been examined and approved. You can expect your drop off to be approximately 20-30 minutes. Do not waste your valuable time by bringing items that are off-season, do not meet quality standards, or exceed the allowable limits.
1. Large items - You can drop-off your larger items at the "Station 1 - Large Items" for inspection. Our volunteers will place your large items in the appropriate place to sell.
2. Clothing items - Your clothing items can be dropped off at "Station 2 - Clothing/Smaller Items" at the tables where a Kool Kids volunteer will inspect them for stains, tears, rips, missing buttons, or items that are out of style or season. Please have your clothing items sorted by size and gender. After your clothing items and shoes are inspected, you will place your clothing items and shoes on the appropriate racks/tables to sell.
3. Smaller items - Your smaller items can also be dropped off at "Station 2 - Clothing/Smaller Items" at the tables where a Kool Kids volunteer will inspect them for missing pieces, batteries in toys, or broken pieces. Our volunteers will place your smaller items in the appropriate place to sell.
All items will be accepted and/or denied at our discretion. We realize you might need to make several trips to your vehicle to unload your items. After your items are cleared as acceptable and you have placed your clothing items on the racks, you will need to sign a contract (we will have extras if you forget yours). You will then check-out near the door at the computer where you will receive your guests passes to hand out!
Sunday, March 9 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
A Facebook Post will be sent out if we finish sorting before 6:00!
Pick-Up is located through the the back double doors on the south side of the Civic Center (same side as drop-off).
If you are donating your unsold items to charity, we will take care of that for you! If you cannot pick up your unsold items, please make arrangements with someone to pick them up for you.
ALL items left after 8:00 pm on Sunday will be donated immediately to charity. No exceptions.
Your check will be mailed to you by the end of the week following the sale.