Q. Do I need to register each sale?
A. Yes. In order to prepare for the number of consignors participating, we ask that you register online prior to each sale. This also speeds up the check-in process if we have each participating consignor in our computer records. Once you are assigned a consignor number, you will keep that same number in successive sales. See Consignor's Checklist.
Q. Do I need to be present to sell my items during the sale?
A. We take care of everything for you! All you do is check-in your items at the beginning of the week, and your check will be mailed to you the week following the sale.
Q. How can I consign my items?
A. Consignors first register online. There is a $10 participation fee that helps pay for the week-long rental of the Civic Center, insurance, marketing of the event, and administrative costs of Kool Kids. Your participation fee is taken out of your consignor proceeds check that is mailed the week following the sale. You are responsible for preparing, tagging, and taking your items to check-in at the Ruston Civic Center during check-in hours.
Q. How much will I make?
A. Consignors make 70% of each item’s selling price.
Q. How do I tag and price my items?
A. Check out our new How to Tag & Price Video!
Q. How do I price my items?
A. Due to the many items being sold, we recommend that you price competitively. We suggest 25% to 40% of the original price depending on the name brand and condition of the item. To maintain the high standards we have set, only bring items of the quality & condition that you would be willing to purchase yourself. Spending a little extra time preparing your items will mean more money for you. Items that are clean, ironed, and starched sell much better! Present them at their best for the most $$$ for you! We also recommend that you write your tags in red. A lot of shoppers look only for the red-tagged items on Saturday, so writing your tags in red increases the chance that your items will be sold IF they are still around on Saturday. Refer to the Pricing Guide and the Tagging Guide.
Q. What is the advantage of writing my items in red?
A. We recommend that you write your tags in RED. A lot of shoppers look only for the red-tagged items on Saturday, so writing your tags in red increases the chance that your items will be sold if they are still around on Saturday.
Q. When do I pick up my unsold items?
A. You will pick up your unsold items on the Sunday of the sale between 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. If you are donating your unsold items to charity, we will take care of that for you! If you cannot pick up your unsold items, please make arrangements with someone to pick them up for you.
ALL items left after 8:00 pm on Sunday will be donated immediately to charity. No exceptions.
Q. When do I get my check?
A. Your check will be mailed at the end of the week following the sale!
Q. What are the benefits to consigning?
Q. Do I need a pass to shop?
A. Because you are consigning, no pass needed. Your name/consignor number will be on a list when entering to shop!
Q. What is the Drop off/Check-in process?
A. Drop off starts the Sunday afternoon before the sale at 1:00 pm. You can expect your drop off to be approximately 20-30 minutes.
Simply enter on the back double doors on the south side of the Civic Center. ***401 North Trenton St.,
Ruston, LA.
1. Large items - You can drop-off your larger items at the "Station 1 - Large Items" for inspection. Our volunteers will place your large items in the appropriate place to sell.
2. Clothing items - Your clothing items can be dropped off at "Station 2 - Clothing/Smaller Items" at the tables where a Kool Kids volunteer will inspect them for stains, tears, rips, missing buttons, or items that are out of style or season. Please have your clothing items sorted by size and gender. After your clothing items and shoes are inspected, you will place your clothing items and shoes on the appropriate racks/tables to sell.
3. Smaller items - Your smaller items can also be dropped off at "Station 2 - Clothing/Smaller Items" at the tables where a Kool Kids volunteer will inspect them for missing pieces, batteries in toys, or broken pieces. Our volunteers will place your smaller items in the appropriate place to sell.
All items will be accepted and/or denied at our discretion. We realize you might need to make several trips to your vehicle to unload your items. After your items are cleared as acceptable and you have placed your clothing items on the racks, you will need to sign a contract (we will have extras if you forget yours). You will then check-out near the door at the computer where you will receive your guests passes to hand out!
Visit the Drop Off Times for more information.
Q. What if I can’t pick up my items the last day of the sale?
A. You can choose to donate your items. By placing "HC" in the bottom left of the tag, you are designating that item to be sent to charity if it does not sell. You can also have someone pick up your unsold items the Sunday of the sale from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Please tell Kool Kids at check-in (the person at the computer) if you wish to have someone else pick up your unsold items. Any item left after 8:00 pm the Sunday of the sale will be sent immediately to charity. No exceptions.
Q. Will I get my hangers back?
A. All items are sold with the hanger. We do not remove items from the hangers at checkout unless the buyer requests it. Inexpensive hangers can be purchased at Rolling Hills Thrift Store, the Dollar Tree, or even at your local Dry Cleaners (sometimes).
Q. How do I tag items?
A. Refer to our Tagging Guide and our How to Tag & Price Video.
Q. Why do I need to give a detailed description on tags?
A. If a tag becomes separated from an item, we have a much better chance of locating the item if the description on the tag is detailed. Placing your safety pin horizontal helps secure the tag to the item. Refer to our Tagging Guide.
Q. Why is there a $10 Participation fee?
A. Your $10 participation fee helps pay for the week-long rental of the Civic Center, insurance, advertisement of the event, and administrative costs of Kool Kids. Your participation fee is taken out of your consignor proceeds check that is mailed by the end of the week following the sale.
Q. How many items may I consign?
A. Minimum of 15 items.
Maximum of 150 hanging clothes.
Limit of 3 stuffed animal items.
Limit of 5 pair of girls’ shoes and 5 pair of boys’ shoes.
Junior clothes - Limit to Junior clothing (teenage) only. Please no adult women's clothing. Due to limited space, only 15 Junior size name brand clothing items per consignor's child allowed. For instance, if you have 2 teenagers...you can bring 30 Junior clothing items. Contact Memrie if you have any questions. Memrie@consignkoolkids.com
Q. How do I help advertise?
A. If you know a location where we can deliver flyers, please contact Memrie! Help us help you sell your items! Also forward emails from Kool Kids!!!
Q. What items does Kool Kids accept?
A. Childrens/Baby Clothing in the Appropriate Season. See Item Preparation suggestions.
Spring/Summer Sale: We DO accept thin long-sleeve shirts, pants, jeans, and light weight jackets for our spring/summer sale because they are transitional. Please leave all coats, thick sweaters, turtlenecks, Christmas/Holiday outfits, Halloween costumes, etc. for the Fall Sale.
Fall/Winter Sale: No swimsuits or vacation t-shirts. It is warm in the fall/winter so we DO accept transitional clothing. Please leave all items that "scream" spring/summer at home for the spring/summer sale in March.
Clothing Sizes:
Toys & Miscellaneous:
Baby Items:
Q. What items does Kool Kids not accept?
Q. How do you tag items "hard to tag".